Scanning Services

Your route to paperless.

Go Paperless.

We have developed a unique set up where our scanners link to our internal O’Neil Software and CCTV. This system allows a file to be tracked from its collection through to scanning and then eventual destruction.

Get Organised.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) comes as standard with Secure Data Management’s scanning service.

Save Space.

Secure Data Management is specialist and accredited archives company meaning we know how to deal with records correctly.

The Latest Technology.

With Secure Data Management’s high-volume scanners that combine prepping and scanning in one clean motion, we have sped up the whole scanning process.

This means we can achieve results in a more accurate and resource effective way - reducing projects time and cost.

We can scan directly into any case management system or you can download it from our end to end encrypted FTP site. The FTP site temporally hosts digitised documents for a pre-agreed timeframe to ensure GDPR compliance.

Scanning Services

Scan Back

Scanning a whole archive can be expensive and often unnecessary. When documents need to be stored for less than 10 years and only minimal retrievals will be necessary then it may be worth storing the physical archive instead. Secure Data provides a Scan Back service. This means any file stored with us can be digitised and retrieved to you within 3 hours of a request.


Scan Audit

Not all documents in an archive will be appropriate for scanning. An audit will identify there may be some documents that are able to be destroyed instead of scanned. Working with your internal team we can design decision trees to identify the files that need to be scanned and those that can be destroyed. This therefore reduces the cost of scanning unnecessary files.


Bulk Scanning

Bulk scanning is a more traditional approach, with projects charged by number of pages. We always offer the most competitive price we can and a range of timescales to suit every client’s needs. Our experienced team will organise a consultation with you to understand your requirements. It is critical that the digitised documents are received in a recognisable or user-friendly way.


About Secure Data Management

At Secure Data Management, we work alongside our clients to develop a bespoke solution that is tailored to meet a businesses needs on a case by case basis. Encouraging best practices along with ensuring economic savings for our clients is what we are well known for.

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